101 in 1001

101 in 1001: The Mother of all Lists

As I was doing some research for a project a couple of weeks ago, I came across a photographer's website, and posted on it was a list of 101 things to do in 1001 days. I was immediately intrigued. Practically obsessed, actually.

I confess, I am a list-making fanatic. I carry around a little pocket sized Mead FiveStar notebook to write everything down in. I gave up on the digital methods years ago. I've done the PDA thing, and it was simply not effective for me, no matter how many apps I downloaded. There's just something so very satisfying about crossing the completed task off the list, tearing out the page, and tossing it in the trash can. [DONE!] Plus I can doodle in the margins, or heck, right in the middle of the page. And [BONUS!], the batteries never die and delete all your data while you're in Dallas!

Recently I've even become extremely frustrated with my computer's calendar, and the faults of trying to maintain calendars and to-do lists on multiple computers. So I have begun to use a simple Post-It Note system to keep my business tasks and calendar organized. It works similarly to the notebook system. I write a single task on a Post-It Note. Then I arrange the notes into the correct workflow, and in the proper categories. Every day I choose the tasks that need to be accomplished and stick the notes to my computer monitor. Having the note right in front of me keeps me on task. If I think of something different I need to do, then I write a new note and put it in the right category and workflow. When the task is complete, I am rewarded by being able to wad the little note up and drop it in the trash. Satisfaction. Task complete. Aaahh.

But this 101 things in 1001 days is the ultimate list, the Mother of All Lists. The premise is that you will write tasks that are defined and not open ended. The tasks should be things that help you further your career or make your life better, and not just a to-do list of simple chores. You want to put a variety of things on your list that range from simple to challenging.

I started working on it almost immediately. It was harder than I thought it would be. By about #20, I was stumped. I tried to go to bed, but I had to keep sitting up and writing down all the things that were popping into my head. Finally, I gave up on sleep and came back to the computer. I added another 20 things to the list, but then I was stumped again. So, I did what all smart people do when they are faced with a complicated problem, I Googled it. Suddenly there were lots of lists and websites to look at. I looked over a few and got some ideas from them. But then I started to notice that people were listing a lot of stuff that I already do (or don't do) already, like not drinking soda, or going camping, or cook more meals at home, eat out less. Well shoot, I got all that taken care of already. It just keeps getting harder to finish this list. I'm stuck at 80. Let me check Google again. Hmm.. nope, not interested in learning to tango. Definitely not going to wear a dress once a week (huh? i mean, why would you?). And what the heck is up with learning to knit? Well shoot, guess I'll just have to dig deep and think of something that will make me a better person. Hmm.. learn to make homemade pasta? Nah.

Well anyway, obviously, I got it done. All 101 things. Whew. It took half the night, but that level of determination [obsession] is what makes me special. So, in the interest of accountability and public humiliation, I'm posting this list for everyone to see. I'm posting it here on my blog, and on my FaceBook fan page for everyone who's nosy, uh, I mean, interested, in this effort. I'll create a category for it on the blog, and make a post whenever I accomplish something interesting. And on May 30, 2013, we can all sit down together and review my progress.

Amanda's 101 in 1001: September 2, 2010 to May 30, 2013

The Challenge: Complete 101 preset tasks in a period of 1001 days.

And of course, the best way to actually accomplish a goal is to write it down and then tell people about it so there’s someone to hold you accountable.

1. Complete writing this list. Completed Sept. 3
2. Write a 1 year business plan.
3. Write a 3 year business plan.
4. Make a series of photo painting combines, 12-15 images.
5. Hike once a week on an actual trail for 2 months..
6. Take a road trip west of the Mississippi River.
7. Improve my website and blog search engine optimization.
8. Reach 1000 fans for my FB fan page.
9. List all studio workflows and processes. Organize and assemble into procedures.
10. Develop a new client kit for brides.
11. Finish development of Total Client Process outline.
12. Backpack on the Appalachian Trail.
13. Visit 3 states I haven’t been to yet.
14. Re-frame my degree.
15. Reach my goal weight of 145. In progress. Down 10lbs. Sept. 10’10
16. Book 20 weddings in a year.
17. Book 20 seniors in a year.
18. Reorganize the labels on all photos in Aperture.
19. Buy a fisheye lens.
20. Run a mile.
21. Visit a local art gallery.
22. Visit the High Museum.
23. Visit a new art museum in this state.
24. Visit an art museum in another state.
25. Hike to the top of Blood Mountain.
26. Start offering fine art/landscape images on my blog as desktop images.
27. Become a Certified Professional Photographer.
28. Take an advanced Photoshop class.
29. Be a vendor at a bridal fair.
30. Take a solo backpacking trip with Daisy.
31. Buy a 70-200mm f2.8L lens.
32. Exercise every day except Sundays for a month.
33. Get published.
34. Get some acrylic photo prints made.
35. Clean out my email inbox to 0 emails and get the badge from NerdMeritBadges.com.
36. Take a yoga class.
37. Stay up all night painting.
38. Create a photo book of and for my nephews.
39. Become a member of/be accepted into WPJA.
40. Enter a WPJA contest, or another photo print contest.
41. Find good local musicians to contribute music for slideshows.
42. Research green methods of doing business and implement.
43. Go to Alaska.
44. Take a photo class at either UGA or SCAD.
45. Join a local photographer’s club/meetup.
46. Go to AEN & AGLCC speed networking meeting.
47. Make a portrait of the cat.
48. Make a family portrait.
49. Finish the kitchen.
50. Earn enough money from photography to buy a Canon EOS 5D Mark II. In process: Upgraded to Canon 50D on Sept 13,’10
51. Meet a relative I’ve never met before.
52. Get a tattoo.
53. Go on a road trip with no destination.
54. Ride my motorcycle instead of taking the car. Completed Sept. 6,’10
55. Develop those old rolls of film.
56. Use the film I’ve been storing in my camera case.
57. Set up the darkroom and develop some prints.
58. Pay off my credit cards.
59. Read a book of fiction.
60. Travel to another continent.
61. Go kayaking every day for a week.
62. Go motorcycling every day for a week.
63. Go bicycling every day for a week.
64. Go hiking every day for a week.
65. Spend a whole day playing video games.
66. Make a drawing a day in my Moleskin for 30 days.
67. Take the kids & Jessie to a drive in movie.
68. Complete Project 365. Take a photo a day for a year. Blog it.
69. Back up ALL files currently not protected to an offsite location.
70. Attend a photography workshop.
71. Buy a manual 35mm film camera.
72. Make a series of photos with my 4x5 view camera.
73. Print a series of 10-15 caffenol prints.
74. Create a separate senior portrait website.
75. Create marketing strategy and market senior portraits to local schools.
76. Create a separate wedding photography website.
77. Create marketing strategy and attract more local wedding bookings.
78. Donate photography services to a charity auction. (Complete Sept. 29, 2010)
79. Study posing in depth.
80. Design, publish, and sell a calendar.
81. Print my favorite black and white photos in my darkroom. Frame and hang them.
82. Organize the office/studio, build shelves and tables.
83. Attend a WPPI convention.
84. Attend the OneLight workshop, or buy the DVD.
85. Submit my work to bridal magazines and pursue being published.
86. Get published.
87. Create a file tree to organize all photography files.
88. Go to the symphony.
89. Practice the guitar for 30 minutes a day for 30 days.
90. Spend an afternoon lying in the hammock reading a book for pleasure.
91. Go to bed on time for 30 days.
92. Get up on time for 30 days.
93. Do the $1 bill savings plan for the entire 1001 days. Started Sept. 3,’10.
94. Create a system to record and keep track of clients’ anniversaries. Complete Sept. 18,’10
95. Design an anniversary card to send to clients.
96. Finish painting the upstairs hall.
97. Read 10 books to improve my photography skills.
98. Read 10 books to improve my business skills.
Book 1: Captured by the Light by David Ziser. Completed Sept. 10,’10
99. Save 10% of everything I earn in 2011.
100. Save 15% of everything I earn in 2012.
101. Put 101 in 1001 list on blog. Blog about each item when completed. Posted on blog Sept 18,’10.

So there it is for all to see. The mother of all lists. I wonder how much I'll get done? Let me know what you think!